Research Reports

Investigating the Drivers of the Low Participation amongst Women and Female Graduates in the KZN Film Industry.2023/24
Research on Return on Investment on Film Markets and Film Festivals2023/24
Emerging threats to the online platforms an analysis of the extent and prevalence of piracy and other illegal activities related to the selling of online content in 2022/23
An assessment of progress made to transform the KZN film sector in the last seven years2022/23
An analysis of the performance of the KZN film-funded projects between 2014 and 2021.2022/23
KZN Film-Induced Tourism Strategy2021/22
Leveraging on Technology key considerations to grow the KZN audio-visual sector2021/22
A study on film support services in KZN2021/22
Filming as an Economic Catalyst at a Municipal level a case study: Ugu District municipality2020/21
KZN Film Markets and Festivals study2020/21
KZN Film sector baseline study2020/21
The Star system in South Africa2020/21
Guidelines for Sustainability in the Film Industry2019/20
Research on the status quo and socio-economic impact of micro-budget filmmakers in KwaZulu-Natal2018/19
A socio-economic impact analysis of a KZN based tv series2018/19
The role of film in the promotion of culture in KwaZulu-Natal2018/19
A study on the environmental impact and resource use of the film industry2018/19
Inclusion of people living with disability in the film sector in KZN2017/18
Research into audience trends of the South African and KwaZulu-Natal film industry consumer2018/18
Baseline research for the KZN Film Commission2015/16
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