SA Film Sector Opens for Business under Level 4 Restrictions

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies has green-lighted the resumption of certain film and television (TV) production operations within the risk-adjusted strategy for the information and communications technology (ICT) sector.

Communications and Digital Technologies acting Minister Jackson Mthembu on Monday, May 4 , said that the directions have been gazetted, allowing for electronic communication services and network services, advertising agencies, film and TV production companies to resume operations.

“The CPA is pleased to announce that our industry is, once again, open for business!” the statement said.

The South African Government has permitted filming under level 4 regulations from 4 May 2020, however, there are certain restrictions that have been put in place. These are strict industry protocols that must be adhered to at all times. The number of people on set has been limited to 50, and according to the CPA, these rules are “non-negotiable and need to be followed under all circumstances”.

The CPA has published the CPA COVID-19 Protocol for use by members, clients and suppliers. Clients and suppliers should please note that the CPA has no jurisdiction over non-members. Therefore due care should be taken to ensure that all productions comply with all requirements.

“We look forward to our industry getting back on to its feet in the coming weeks and thank everyone who has been involved in the process. It has truly been a great team effort and we appreciate all the work that has gone into it,” the statement concluded.

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